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Google Web Stories: Navigating Changes and Future Prospects

Discover the latest changes as Google removes Web Stories from Images and explore the future of this format. Learn more!
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Google these days has updated its documentation on Web Stories, leading to modifications to their show. Previously visible in Google Images, they're now confined to Google Search and Discover, with a stronger presence inside the USA, Brazil, and India.

Google Web Stories: Navigating Changes and Future Prospects

What are web stories? The arrival of Web Stories dates back to 2018 with Google's release of AMP Stories, later renamed Web Stories. In 2020, the layout will be integrated into Discover.

Web stories are a brief, visually fascinating content format, ideal for quick intake. They are displayed inside the shape of a carousel, much like Instagram or Facebook, providing a visual narrative or "snack content.".

This layout, unfastened and open to all, enables creators to provide interactive testimonies optimized for cell devices.

Changes to Google Web Stories

The main adjustments were the removal of Google Images Web Stories and the change in their presentation format.

Instead of the grid mode used formerly, a carousel format has been followed in search results. However, web stories remain available in Google searches and on Discover.

The removal of Web Stories from Google Images might also reflect a certain reluctance on the part of customers and location publishers to adopt this layout. Moreover, the truth that Web stories have now not been extended beyond the USA, India, and Brazil raises questions about their recognition and effectiveness.

An uncertain future for Web Stories

These adjustments could be seen as a remaining-ditch effort to revitalize the layout. By becoming a wonderful search result, Web Stories ought to provide website owners with a brand new opportunity to seize users' attention with immersive reports.

However, their removal from Google Images and decreased visibility on Discover suggest that Google may be considering abandoning them in the end.

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