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Unlocking the Potential: A Comprehensive Guide to NFC Plates and Their Uses

Unlock the potential of NFC plates! Learn how to use them effectively with our comprehensive guide. Explore now for expert tips and insights.
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What is an NFC plate? Our tips are for use!

It's a small accessory, just a few square centimeters in size, but the NFC plate is a marketing tool that can boost your brand awareness. This concept is winning over many companies thanks to its effectiveness.

Unlocking the Potential: A Comprehensive Guide to NFC Plates and Their Uses

The NFC plate meets a variety of needs. For example, it can be used to communicate all kinds of information to your customers or to gather their opinions. Easy to use, this accessory is a must-have for your business.

To help you better understand this concept, we explain it in this article:

  • What is an NFC plate?
  • What is the purpose of an NFC-connected plate?
  • What's in it for you?

What is an NFC plate?

The NFC plate from Ma Plaque NFC is a wooden or Plexiglas plate that facilitates commercial communication.

It can be displayed prominently on a counter, table, or desk, within easy reach of your customers.

This digital marketing tool can be glued to a variety of surfaces, depending on your workplace and business.

It uses NFC technology (the same process as contactless bank cards).

What is the purpose of the NFC-connected plate?

The NFC contactless sign is a communication tool in its own right. They are available in a variety of formats. These tools also meet different needs.

The personalized NFC plate

These are designed to meet your company's specific communication needs. You can integrate your business information (website, contacts, location, promotional news, etc.).

Google reviews Plate

Allows you to easily collect customer reviews on your company's Google listing. By scanning the plate with their phone, customers automatically access your review page and can rate you.

Tags dedicated to customer review sites

These include Trustpilot, TripAdvisor, and Immodvisor. They work in the same way as the Google tag. They are used to collect customer comments on these consumer review platforms.

Connected NFC tags for social networks

This contactless NFC plate exists for Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, Tik Tok, LinkedIn, etc. With the Instagram plate, for example, consumers can easily subscribe to your Instagram page. At the same time, the company uses this NFC plate to manage its communication on this platform.

The menu plate

This NFC accessory is designed for restaurateurs. The restaurant can install this connected plate, integrating its menu into its tables. Customers no longer have to wait for the menu to be brought to them to make their choice.

The Doctolib RDV plate

Specially designed for doctors (GPs, ophthalmologists, dentists, gynecologists, etc.), this plate makes it easier to manage appointment scheduling.

There are also other NFC plates, such as PRO plates, which combine several functions. There's also the Wi-Fi plate, which offers a free connection to hotel and restaurant guests, for example.

How to use a connected plate

The main feature of the NFC plate is its ability to connect to NFC-enabled smartphones. The company stores the information it wishes to broadcast on the plate's NFC chip. The customer can read the information on his or her phone. In a restaurant, for example, they simply scan the plate to access the digitized menu. They can also post a comment on your business pages by connecting to your plate.

Why use a contactless NFC tag?

Online presence is a key factor in optimizing a company's performance. Combining simplicity and efficiency, the NFC tag is the ideal digital marketing tool for increasing visibility. In terms of communication and sales strategy, the connected plate concentrates several assets.

By putting information within easy reach of customers, the connected system enhances the customer experience. It's an asset for customer satisfaction and loyalty. What's more, you'll save money by reducing the cost of printing flyers, leaflets, catalogs, etc. As for social network subscription tags, all you have to do is encourage your prospects to follow you by scanning the tag. By doing so, you gain many followers every day and future customers.

Review collection plates are also very useful for raising brand awareness. Simple to use, they help you collect more reviews. In this way, you build up social proof, a criterion of trust on the part of your prospects. Reviews also help you identify your strengths and weaknesses. You can use them to improve your products or services.

Why try the NFC contactless plate?

Whether you're talking about Pro, Instagram, YouTube, or other plates, the contactless plate is a powerful growth gas pedal. It allows you to stand out from the competition. Its operation is based on an essential everyday object: the smartphone. This is one of the reasons for its success. What's more, the NFC plate offers an exceptional return on investment.

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