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How WhatsApp's Latest Formatting Features Enhance Messaging

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WhatsApp: What Are the New Formatting Features?

Recent WhatsApp updates now allow users to change the text formatting in their channels and chats. The new version offers convenient and easily accessible options, such as bulleted or numbered lists and citations.

How WhatsApp's Latest Formatting Features Enhance Messaging

Added shortcuts for more intuitive formatting

For those who didn't yet know, it has been possible for several years on WhatsApp to write texts in bold, italics, strikethrough, or with fixed-width lettering.

The company Meta, which owns the application, decided to add new shortcuts for creating bulleted and numbered lists, generating block quotes, and writing code. Instant messaging users now benefit from eight formatting shortcuts to simplify their exchanges.

Interactive and organized exchanges

These new features make it easier to create clear and attractive professional messages and make personal discussions more lively and dynamic.

One of the best benefits of this update is the ability to create bulleted lists quickly and easily to present ideas in a clear and organized way. This can be particularly useful when discussing different topics with a group or sharing complex information.

The quotation blocks allow you to highlight essential elements, bringing an additional touch of clarity to the discussion.

How do I format WhatsApp messages?

The news:

  • Bulleted list: message
  • Numbered list: 1. Message
  • Bloc citation: > Message
  • Line of code:  `Message`

Those that already existed:

  • Gras: *Message*
  • Italics:  _Message_
  • Crossed out:  ~Message~
  • In fixed width: “`Message“`

A dark mode to reduce eye fatigue

WhatsApp also introduced dark mode (or night mode), which makes using the application more pleasant and less tiring on the eyes.

This feature adapts the screen colors to reduce light intensity, making it easier to read when the user uses the app in low-light conditions or for a long time.

Eye strain induced by the light emitted by our cell phones, tablets, and computers is a growing problem linked to the frequent use of these devices. WhatsApp joins other smart apps, such as Snapchat, that have already implemented similar solutions.

Preserve and cherish your digital conversations with My SMS Book.

Some companies now offer services to preserve and enhance our digital exchanges. This is the case with My SMS Book, which allows you to transform messages from WhatsApp, Instagram, Messenger, and others into truly personalized books, with personalization options including photos and videos.

Users can choose between a paper book made in France or a digital version to create a tangible and lasting memory of their most memorable conversations. Improved message formatting on WhatsApp will make those memories even more engaging.

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