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Is Instagram About to Revolutionize Engagement? New "Notify" Sticker Gets Creators Buzzing!

Instagram's new "Notify" sticker lets creators connect with fans like never before! Get ready for skyrocketing engagement!
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Instagram is rolling out a “notify” sticker to help creators keep their audiences engaged. More details are here.

notify sticker boosts engagement

Instagram is introducing a new “Notify” sticker, a feature aimed specifically at English-speaking content creators at the moment. This new tool aims to strengthen connections between creators and their audiences by allowing users to receive direct notifications when new posts are made.

A new feature for creators

Instagram has added a “Notify” sticker that gives creators a new way to ensure their content is seen by their audience.

This sticker allows viewers to sign up to receive personalized notifications for upcoming posts.

This could help overcome the limitations of Instagram's algorithm, which doesn't always show posts to all of a creator's followers.

What the CEO of Instagram says

According to Adam Mosseri, CEO of Instagram, it's rare for creators to reach their entire audience with a single post.

The reasons are twofold: many subscribers do not consult the application daily, and those who do have a surplus of content to browse.

Introducing AI-based recommendations for unfollowed profiles could make this situation worse by further cluttering user feeds.

Impact on reach and engagement

The new “Notify” sticker offers a potential solution for creators looking to maximize engagement with their most loyal followers.

This allows fans to sign up for alerts on specific types of content, ensuring they don't miss important updates.

Instagram already allows users to prioritize up to 50 accounts via the “Favorites” feature, which ensures greater visibility of posts from these accounts in the feed.

The “Notify” sticker could be seen as an extension of this idea, giving creators a more direct way to engage their core supporters and make their content a priority.

Instagram's New "Notify" Sticker: Boost Creator Engagement!

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