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Is AI Taking Your Freelance Job? Upwork Study Reveals Impact (2022-2024)

Freelancing revolutionized? Upwork study by Revealera shows AI's impact on jobs (2022-2024). Discover which skills are in demand.
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According to a study based on Upwork data provided by and analyzing the evolution of independent jobs between November 1, 2022, and February 14, 2024, certain professions would have been more affected than others by the integration of artificial intelligence.

Is AI Taking Your Freelance Job? Upwork Study Reveals Impact (2022-2024)

The jobs most affected

Jobs in writing, translation, and customer service appear to have seen the biggest declines.

The data would indicate a 33% decrease in job postings, 19% in translation, and 16% in customer service.

The least affected jobs

Apart from these categories, others have recorded an increase in the number of offers.

For example, jobs related to video editing and production would have increased by 39%, those in graphic design by 8%, and web design by 10%. Job openings in software development have also reportedly increased.

Reduction in hourly wages in certain categories

There would be a correlation between the reduction in the volume of jobs and salaries, particularly in translation jobs, where a drop of more than 20% in hourly rates would have been observed.

However, graphic design and web design jobs would have seen a slight increase in hourly wages.

Increase in AI skills in job postings

Contrary to expectations, there would have been no notable increase in jobs in data annotation, labeling, or machine learning.

On the other hand, tasks such as AI content generation, AI agent development, and chatbot development have reportedly seen an increase.

For more information, you can read the Bloomberry article.

Upwork and AI: Impact on Freelancing Jobs (FAQ)

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